A Pulse on the Market and an Ear on the Ground

As the first independent commodity trading firm to establish offices in Venezuela, Duarte Vivas & Asociados has over three decades’ experience connecting participants in global commodity markets. It has since becoming the holding entity for a series of trading companies.

DVA combines experience in the global marketplace with local know-how. Holding close working relationships with key international players, DVA is always attuned to developments in the market. At the same time, DVA offers unparalleled local expertise. A mainstay of the Latin American trading panorama for the past three decades, DVA has amassed the knowledge, nurtured the relationships and gained the insight required to operate swiftly and decisively in what is often a difficult commercial environment. DVA’s traders understand the business from the ground up; with field stints at all of Venezuela’s major ports an obligatory rite of passage for all trainees. Additionally, DVA’s port agency holdings provide eyes and ears in all of Venezuela’s major ports. This operational experience in Venezuela has proved invaluable in DVA’s dealings in other emerging economies, and has become a large component of the added value offered to clients.

A Comprehensive Service

DVA’s trading activities run the gamut of commodities; serving as marketer of agricultural, industrial and energy products alike. Acting as either broker or principal, DVA’s market-making activities bring buyers and sellers together. Further, DVA adds value to its clients’ supply chain operations by providing logistical expertise, financing solutions and price risk management.

An Integrated Business Model

Physical assets have been at the core of DVA’s strategy since its inception. DVA approaches the commodity trading business with a philosophy of long-term engagement and a strategy of vertical integration. Consequently, its corporate history has been characterized by investments in key upstream and downstream assets. As a stakeholder in production facilities, storage tanks, port infrastructure and vessel fleets, DVA has direct access to each step of the raw material supply chain. Cost reductions and strategic advantages aside, DVA’s physical interests serve as a testament to its long term commitment to international trade.

Luzar Trading

Luzar Trading - a joint venture between The DVA Group and a prominent Venezuelan industrial group- was established in 2009 in order to manage all of DVA’s grain, oilseed and sugar trading activities. Benefiting from an injection of new capital and fresh talent, Luzar Trading has greatly increased DVA’s volumes in grains and oilseeds, and has since taken over all of DVA’s metal trading activities.

Luzar Trading is currently in the process of setting up a solid fuels desk. By leveraging the DVA group’s physical assets in the sector, Luzar Trading hopes to become a regional leader in the marketing of coal and petroleum coke.

For more information please visit Luzar Trading´s website:

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